Who We Are
Who we are
Ms Lisa Kelly
Ms. Kelly is Chief Operating Officer at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH), one of the largest specialist teaching hospitals in the UK. She is executive lead for the NUH-Jimma Health Partnership Link with Jimma University Hospital in southern Ethiopia.
Lisa became a fellow of the Improving Global Health programme in 2012 and spent a year working at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia developing and teaching a multidisciplinary leadership and management programme. She has continued to support the programme as a mentor and advisor, and in 2017 took the programme to Rwanda. Lisa has also helped to set up and later review a systems strengthening programme in east London, South Africa. She is also a trustee for the Global Anaesthesia Development Programme and early this year supported the Kings-Somaliland programme review its support to the ministry of health in Hargeisa.

Dr. Dylan Bould
Dr. Bould is an anesthesiologist at the University of Ottawa and the Chair of Canadian Anesthesiologists Society International Education Foundation (CASIEF). He is also a member of the Education Committee of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiology. He has been involved in leadership training and development of anesthesia providers in Zambia, Rwanda and Ethiopia since 2012.