Who we are
Who We Are
Purnima Rao BSc (Hon) MD FRCPC
Inspire Through Clinical Teaching Lead, Course Author
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, The Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa
Simulation Instructor, University of Ottawa Skills and Simulation Centre
Dr. Purnima Rao is an anesthesiologist at The Ottawa Hospital. She attended medical school and anesthesia residency at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She completed a fellowship in simulation and medical education at the University of Ottawa. She is currently the fellowship director for simulation and medical education and the director of the Foundational Elements of Applied Simulation Theory, an interprofessional simulation training course.
She has spent time in West Africa with Mercy Ships and Guyana with the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society International Education Foundation and many of the countries hosting Inspire Through Clinical Teaching.
When she’s not working or teaching Purnima enjoys traveling, hiking, cooking, and quilting.

Sonia Akrimi MBBC BSc (Hons) FRCA MRCP MA
Inspire Through Clinical Teaching Course Author
Senior Registrar in Anaesthesia, Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex, UK
Global Anesthesia Development Project and Zambia Anaesthesia Development Program
Dr. Sonia Akrimi is a Senior Registrar in Anaesthesia in the UK training in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. She gained her undergraduate medical degree from King’s College London.
She completed a fellowship with the Zambia Anaesthesia Development Program (ZADP) from 2016-2017, in which she supported physician anaesthetist training in Zambia. She is currently the Director of ZADP, and a Trustee of the charity Global Anaesthesia Development Project.
She is currently completing an MD in Medical Education at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, using action research to explore the role for anaesthetist-led teaching in the undergraduate curriculum. Prior to this she undertook a Masters in Clinical Education at King’s College London.
Her interest includes global health, particularly the development of surgical care in low and middle-income countries, the use of international partnerships and using formal training in medical education as a strategy to develop care in these settings.

Duncan McLuckie MBBCh FRCPC
Inspire through Clinical Teaching Course Author
Paediatric Anesthesiologist, Alberta Children’s Hospital, University of Calgary
Dr. Duncan McLuckie is a pediatric anesthesiologist at Alberta Children’s Hospital. He earned his medical degree from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. After completing his anesthesia residency at the University of Calgary, Dr McLuckie received fellowship training in pediatric anesthesia and simulation at the University of Ottawa, Canada.
In addition to being the fellowship director for pediatric anesthesia, Dr. McLuckie is the simulation lead for the section of pediatric anesthesia at the University of Calgary. His interests include simulation as a tool for faculty development, the integration of perioperative phases of care into standardized care bundles, and global health medical education.
For fun he enjoys trail-running, biking and skiing in the foothills and mountains of the Rockies.

Dean C Nolte MBBCh DA(SA) FCA(SA)
Inspire through Clinical Teaching Course Author
Consultant Anaesthesiologist
Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital, Parktown, Johannesburg
Affiliated to the Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Inspire through Clinical Teaching Course Author
Associate Professor
Department of Pediatric Anesthesia, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and Department of Innovation in Medical Education, University of Ottawa
Dylan is a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. After anesthesia training in the UK, he did a Masters of Education and a fellowship in Simulation at the University of Toronto. He has helped to support the University of Zambia anesthesia residency program since 2011 through the Global Anesthesia Development Program [please link to GADP]. He is the Chair of the Canadian Anesthesiologist’s Society International Education Foundation which supports anesthesia residency programs in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Guyana and Burkina Faso, and recently spent a sabbatical year in Kigali with the University of Rwanda anesthesia program. He loves the learning process, and where it takes him, and is always fascinated with the opportunity to seek out new experiences and adventures. He is lucky enough to be the the father of three amazing daughters and a like-minded wife who often inspire him to embrace these opportunities.

Steering Committee
- Purnima Rao (Chair)
- Sonia Akrimi (Inspire Representative)
- Naomi Shamambo (SAZ Representative)
- Faye Evans (WFSA Education Committee)
- Dylan Bould (Inspire Representative)
- Miodrag Milenovic (Chair WFSA Education Committee)
- Aaliya Ahmed (WFSA Programmes Administrator)
“Teach a man to teach others to fish and many people will have full bellies” – Dr. Wayne Morriss, Director of Programmes, WFSA
Developed in Collaboration with